About Jeff and Kris
Co-founders of CSEE
Together since they were both teenagers, Jeff and Kris Booth now work together to promote the importance of sex education in maintaining strong relationships. They founded the Center for Sexual Expression and Education, and teach classes together. They’ve both had wide media exposure, including being naked on national television; Kris on Comedy Central’s VS, and Jeff on NBC’s Extra. In addition, they’ve done appearances together on many radio and television shows. They were consultants for the British sex series, Sex, Warts and All. Before becoming sex experts they both had careers in show business, which helps make their presentations very entertaining as well as informative.
About Jeff Booth
After receiving a major in theatre and minoring in radio/television/film at Cal State Northridge, Jeff Booth toured the country as a comedian/emcee and as a popular lecturer teaching other entertainers performance techniques. He has appeared live in 43 states and 3 countries. He went on to produce industrial videos and live sales meetings, and appeared as an actor and voice-over talent in many productions.
He was also a noted pioneer in using low cost computer technology for interactive displays and non-linear editing, developing techniques used in his own presentations. Although he began writing about entertainment, he became better known for his writings in numerous technology magazines about using computer technology as a communications tool for live and video presentations.
Tired of being constantly on the road, he took up writing full-time. When his wife and he began experimenting with alternative sexuality, he turned to writing about sex, which he has focused on since.
He founded the Adult Industry section on About.com (at the time one of the most heavily trafficked sites on the Internet). Jeff has authored over 200 published articles for print magazines, and hundreds of online articles, covering technology, the entertainment industry, and sex. He has written several books, including Gathering Dust (a book on magic), the Theatrix Guide to Stage Makeup, and the History of Games. He has also written content for several online classes for CSEE, including the ground breaking Sex and Censorship, Introduction to Alternative Lifestyles, Games Adults Play, Sex and Your Computer: Privacy and Security Issues, and Intro to Adult Journalism.
As a performer and as a sex expert, he has appeared on many radio and television shows, including the Today Show, Leeza, and Extra. He has been a featured lecturer and entertainer at swinger’s conventions and events, was on the board of advisor’s for the largest swing club in the United States, and was an advisor to a swinger’s resort. A noted expert on alternative lifestyles, Los Angeles magazine referred to him as one of the top experts in the country.
The work of the Center for Sexual Expression and Education was suspended for several years after Jeff was hit with a neurological condition that made him unable to work. His long struggle to regain his life and the peculiarities of his bizarre condition are chronicled on his Inside My Mangled Mind site.
About Kris Booth
Kris Booth has an MBA from Cal State Northridge. She spent many years in the entertainment industry, several of those at an executive level. She also produced live events and was a performer herself.
After she and Jeff Booth began experimenting sexually, she joined with him in writing about sexuality. She appeared in adult magazines, including as a centerfold, and in adult videos. This was never a career, but part of the personal research that built her expertise. She is also very knowledgeable about the BDSM community and bisexuality, two areas where her expertise far exceeds Jeff’s.
While she still teaches classes, she focused on mainstream work after Jeff was no longer able to work, and now keeps a lower profile.