The Media Research Sexuality Resource, sponsored by the Center for Sexual Expression and Education, is a resource for authors, journalists, and other members of the media to get quick access to experts on a wide range of sexual topics.
Our focus is on providing experts with a solid scientific grounding in sexuality, and experts on a wide range of sexual lifestyles who not only have researched those lifestyles thoroughly but have specific first hand experience with them so that they can provide a factual and in depth understanding. All of our experts embrace the idea that sexuality is a normal and healthy part of the human existence and recognize the tremendous sexual diversity found in the human experience.
If you need to consult a sex expert on a specific topic for a story or a book project, call (818) 613-9248 and we’ll get you connected with the best expert on that topic we have available. We have a wide range of experts with sexual expertise in the areas of anthropology, sociology, safe sex, psychology, relationships, alternative lifestyles, and many other topics.
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