Secret to Marriage: Don’t Treat Your Wife Like a Whore
Experts say that the divorce rate is now 50%, which means almost one out of every two couples gets divorced. That is pretty appalling. Things did not used to be that way.
There was a time when women were treated as women. That’s the way they expect to be treated. Now we treat them as whores.
The real truth, and thank God they are now teaching it in the schools through the abstinence only programs, is that men want sex and are willing to marry women and give them affection for it. Women, on the other hand, were designed to desire affection and security, so they are willing to give in to sex in order to get security and affection.
Now think about! If women really liked sex as much as men do, there would be no need for all this negotiation and no need for marriage. We’d just be all running around having sex, and there would be no families and nations would crumble. God, in His infinite wisdom, designed women to put up with sex, not crave it the way men do.
He also made women pliable creatures eager to please men. So, when men selfishly try and convince them that they like sex just as much as he does, women try very, very hard to convince themselves that it is true. They go along with it for awhile, but eventually they get so disgusted with themselves for living a lie that they either give up on sex forever or divorce the jerk who put them in this impossible situation in the first place.
Guys, if you want to have a long lasting marriage, tell your wife or wife to be that there will be sometimes that you expect sex, and that it will be her obligation to provide it, but that you understand that her needs are different and that sex can be a duty, and you vow not to abuse the privilege. Yes, occasional non-procreative sex can bring a man and woman closer together, primarily because pleasing a man sexually makes a woman feel more valuable and important to her husband, but if she has to do it all the time she is only going to resent it and you.
October 21, 2015 Wednesday at 9:13 pm
Melvin is correct in that there are abstinence only curricula in use today that teach the Victorian era myth that men like sex but women only use it to get affection and security. The truth is that different people have different sex drives regardless of gender, and these drives can wax and wane during their lives. Problems can crop up in marriages when the partner’s sex drives are mismatched, but it is just as likely that it is the woman wanting more sex as it is the man.
When women are in equal power positions to men and are able to express themselves sexually, they tend to be just as lusty if not more lusty than men. The history of sex has to do with controlling women’s sex drives, and the notion that women are undersexed rather than oversexed is the opposite of what has been the more prevailing historical view. In fact, the idea that women did not like sex was introduced in the Victorian era. Before that, women were considered to have greater sexual drives that needed to be constrained.
Sex is an important part of the bonding process in human beings, and unlike most other mammals, humans are designed to be able to enjoy sex all of the time, and not just when they are in estrus (able to conceive). Average couples have sex two to three times a week, but there is no reason they can’t have it more often or less often if desired.
Source-Erotic University Psychology Department