Virgin Pride

Musings of a proud 27 year old virgin

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Oral Sex: Maw Straight to Hell

If you read the popular press, it sounds like everyone is doing it. Thanks to a pervert adulterous President, now everyone is aware of the vile practice of mouth to genital contact. It seems pretty obvious that if God had intended the two to come together, He would not have put them at opposite ends of our body. The excretory functions were put there as a warning: This is no place for your face!

The recent interest in oral sex is just another sign of our decaying morality. The idea is being spread across the Internet, so that no one knows how many people are trying it.

I’m not saying that oral sex leads to cannibalism, but the practices are so similar it leads one to wonder. Once you get a taste for flesh, what’s to stop you from wanting more? It’s like a gateway drug to perversion. Once you can stomach putting someone’s genitals in your mouth, what won’t you do?

I’ll tell you one thing. Fellators and cunnilinguists don’t go to heaven. Can you imagine standing before God and having to tell Him where your mouth has been? I can’t even imagine such a thing.

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One Response to “Oral Sex: Maw Straight to Hell”

  • geoffw says:

    Melvin’s fear of oral sex is simply part of a larger fear of sexuality. It displays an inherent and unhealthy disgust with the genitalia, something that would certainly interfere with a normal and healthy sex life.

    Oral sex has been a common sex practice for as long as such things have been recorded. Ancient art in all cultures depicts the practice. In their 1977 Redbook Report on Female Sexuality, C. Tavris and S. Sadd found that 93% of wives reported having engaged in cunnilingus and 91% had engaged in fellatio.

    More recent research by P. Blumsteln and P. Schwartz, shows similar percentages: 93% of heterosexual couples had engaged in cunnilingus and 90% had engaged in fellatio.

    Source-Erotic University Psychology Department

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